What does LOLER require?

LOLER addresses the specific risks associated with the use of lifting equipment. Thorough examination and inspection are key requirements of the Regulations. To meet these requirements, duty holders must:

  • Ensure lifting equipment (including lifting accessories) exposed to conditions causing deterioration which could lead to dangerous situations undergoes regular thorough examination by a competent person.

  • Ensure all supplementary inspections and tests recommended by the competent person are carried out within the timescale stated.

  • Examples of conditions causing deterioration are wet, abrasive or corrosive environments.

What equipment is covered by LOLER?

The scope of the Regulations is very wide and includes a range of equipment including Tail Lifts. There are two important definitions you need to know:

  • ‘lifting equipment’ means work equipment for lifting and lowering loads. The definition includes attachments used to anchor, fix or support the equipment (eg the runway of an overhead crane)

  • ‘Accessory for lifting’ means lifting equipment for attaching loads to machinery for lifting.